
Perfect fresh Cut Red Carnation Stems Bouquet

Surprise a special someone with a lovely bouquet of red carnation stems wrapped with Ruscus leaves.

Dubai flowers  -  Love at First Sight Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Dubai flowers  -  Love at First Sight Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Dubai flowers  -  Love at First Sight Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Dubai flowers  -  Love at First Sight Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: UAE099
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Dubai flowers  -  Love at First Sight Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Dubai flowers  -  Love at First Sight Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Dubai flowers  -  Love at First Sight Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Dubai flowers  -  Love at First Sight Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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Perfect fresh Cut Red Carnation Stems Bouquet

  • Exquisite bouquet featuring vibrant red carnations and lush Ruscus leaves
  • Express love with the timeless beauty of red carnation stems artfully arranged for that special someone
  • Unveil romance with our stunning floral ensemble,
  • Combining the allure of carnations with the grace of Ruscus leaves
  • Surprise your loved one with a handpicked bouquet
  • Blending the richness of red carnations and the elegance of Ruscus foliage
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